Advanced Technology Available Now on Earth

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       In December 27, 2011, the trillions of dollars in the International Trust Fund officially became available for the international version of NESARAs debt forgiveness, government replacement, and disclosure.  With this legal instigation we will be privy to things that will drastically and irrevocably alter the way we perceive the universe and our place in it. This upcoming, vast transference of funds will remove the lockdown on progress that the dark has imposed on us for decades. The new banking system is very close to manifesting. Major banks around our world are currently preparing for the implementation of numerous new rules. These regulations thankfully are here to alter the operation of international transactions and relay the establishment of debt forgiveness.  A whole new style of governance is coming into being which will make a point of imparting more and more details of the changes afoot on many levels bringing us into a new, joyous level of personal responsibility (Nidle, 2012).

       Deep within the vaults of many temples and cathedrals much historical information has been hidden until such time as it can be released to us. We may be somewhat shocked at first, but these sacred Truths are to become part once again of our energy knowledge of this physical realm. Much superior technology that hasn’t been allowed to reach us is now available; see   I’m talking about space technology, health technology, transportation, nutrition, clean water, environmental contamination including nuclear radiation, new science and more (promotional video 2012).

       With all these changes that are happening we will learn why we originally came to earth and why we are moving to be fully conscious beings (RSA Animate-Choice 2012). We will be living in a realm fully fathomable, which gloriously affirms our oneness with all life by demonstrating how intertwined we all are to the Creator and to all of Heaven. It is time for us to activate our pre-agreements and form alliance groups to complete aspects of our community mission. We can open up to receive personal support for our self. We need assistance to complete our journeys; we were never meant to do this alone, deed, we cannot do this alone!


Nidle, S., (2012) Technologies that will transform our world. Retrieved from

Promotional video (2012) Retrieved from

RSA Animate-Choice.(2012) Retrieved from



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