CLS Military Report 4/7/12 Mind Clones Battle Love v Peace

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Mind Clones Battle Love v Peace Profound Visions A Trick Limited Sight Duality Gurus & Leaders Corrupted

Posted By: mroxygen  Date: Saturday, 7-Apr-2012 13:01:57

It has been over a month since we have been told of notable headline-type events coming from our Constitution-loving elite time-traveling underground military forces who are trained in future technologies, defenses, and weapons, and equipped with same. Every moment of the day they defend our Earth and us.

They protect our Earthly existence from continual inter-dimensional and inter-timeline alien invasion attempts which became necessary ever since we were freed from local galactic controllers who kept the other millions of bad ET races away.

Most all weaknesses in our Earth dimensional defenses are caused by unawares mind-controlled humans praying outside themselves and thereby causing/punching energy vortex holes and cordings through our natural shields. When you pray/project energy out of you, you are filling pools of darkness with psychic energy that makes you prey to aliens. So of course the aliens program us to do this as often as possible.

Every night you sleep peacefully in your bed is because the tough freedom-loving men and women on alert duty stand guard for you. As previously described in these reports, you can volunteer to join them without any disruption in your regular life. You are able to do this because your Spirit is immensely powerful and beyond all dimensional constraint. There are some extremely dangerous and totally advanced “old” aliens that we have been asked not to report on, as your imagining of them may create openings that draw them closer to us.

Here is what we have been told, and can divulge, as happening recently, in addition to the usual continuous attacks being routinely defended against.

All the East Indian Spiritual entities that were being controlled and used by darkside practitioners to cast black magic spells, the entities that we reported on previously as having been freed, we are now happy to report that they have ALL gone into The True Light of Source in The Now.

Also, around 3/29-30/12, a week ago, there was a large battle over what was described as “clones of our minds,” wherein certain aliens had actually made clones of our minds and were using them to over-ride and control us. As usual, once our Earth Defense forces discover the next trick, they immediately devise strategies and eliminate it by combining their efforts with the Creation Lightship’s.

CLS forces - above time and dimension, and in the Pure Source Energy non-physical, non-duality Now - are part of the Earth Defense Fleet. They are Pure Light Lightships. Their Source Energy “weapons” are instant and invincible, as Source Energy Itself naturally trumps all other possible secondary energies and creations.

This is why we, in our present duality form, cannot directly go up to the manifested every 2,000 years to help us Lightship existing above time, as our physical forms and energies are too mixed with darkness (blended in like mayonnaise) to withstand the Pure Power and Peace True Light. However, CLS personnel can provide protective bubbles for us to visit them in.

Up until now, as usual in these alien invader battles, the laser weapons directed against our military forces have been pulsed. However, in this new development, we find in this battle the laser pulses were incoming continuously at about 15 foot long pulses. In their arrogance, the mind controlled mind controllers desperately try anything to overcome Source, which is impossibility. The lower cannot defeat the higher, let alone The Highest.

Remember, because they are trapped in time and dimension, there is no way for the ETs to “see” Source Energy. Although sustaining all Creation, It is invisible to them like It is to us, YOU, right now. They only “see” the aftereffects of it.

Like our psychics, and channelers, magicians, teachers and gurus here on Earth, their clairvoyant and physical vision is only able to operate within, or up to the upper reaches of our invisible "higher" dimensional ET slaver-created prison planet hologram of physicality and time bubble, so there is no way in their present condition that they can see above time and duality into The Universe of True Light.

Lately, as the Creation Lightship truth-tellings gain wider audiences, it is at times proving difficult to convince very good, very intelligent, and very sincere people with strong “spiritual” vision that they are still being fooled and controlled. Usually, the first programmed implanted response out of their mouths is “NOBODY is controlling ME!”

Close, and a good place to start from. They have all had their own version of visions of TREMENDOUS LIFE CHANGING love, usually in prayer or visions, or near death experiences. They may have immersed themselves COMPLETELY in pure white light, like I did twice, that left them floating around without a care in the world for a week or two, and would let no negativity touch them.

These powerful “good” energies that may seem “like a thousand orgasms,” are still only coming from the very highest upper positive pole of duality, and giving them the experiences they have had of EXTREME positivity. Religious Ecstasy.

During these episodes some have had their own interactions with seemingly LOVING people, ETs, and other beings – perhaps like Jesus, a Light, or a Prophet, or Buddha, complete with angels and archangels. All par for the course, as the alien slaver prison automatically fires up its defenses protecting itself from discovery - by blasting you with love and your personal preference of the image of it, diverting you when you start getting too close to the edge of the time/duality boundary. SOURCE is not love, it is PEACE.

The effects of these encounters coming from mocked-up counterfeit alien control technological and advanced magic psy-ops leave a deep lasting impression. This counterfeit warning especially applies if the beings or experiences came from OUTSIDE yourself, or were perceived IN YOUR HEAD.

“Only go into your heart” is literally a geographic instruction, not a feel good sound bite. This was the original teachings, before corruption. The heart is literally where your Spirit/Source lives. Practice and you can talk with it.

The overpowering love FEELINGS are designed to have the advanced ones among us love our captivity conditions and stop looking for the invisible fences we still sense. We are taught that if we only could magically LOVE enough, usually with some religious or guru figure assistance, all opposition to us magically fades, and in a sense we are then lovingly invincible. WOW! The ultimate power trip!

Of course, the ultimate seeker would never admit to be thinking that way, right? “I don’t want power, I only want love!” But what about your determining all subconscious tied into our universal mind?

All those defeats and put-downs you and your genetic ancestors suppressed are in your DNA still, crying out for justice. Some call these embedded traumas karma. Somewhere a part of even the best little grasshopper wants to Get Even, irresistibly so.

The alien prison defense psy-op plays on that programmed condition. FEELINGS of LOVE, even the most powerful ones that change our entire lives come from our MINDS which are darkness creations.

The most advanced people on the planet that you would think would “get,” and welcome this freeing information are conditioned to be extremely loving, or worship someone who is, and therefore see no need to rebel against such “loving” captors posing as religious figures or profound psychic experiences. They will protest and resist this information at all costs. The system has defended itself.

follow up at


Amitron, R. (2012)



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