Report on first Lasqueti Trust Commmittee meeting

The Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting on Gabriola on January 12 lasted just over 30 minutes. The minutes will be prepared, adopted and posted before long. This is an informal report from me on what was discussed and decided at the meeting.

A schedule of business meetings of the Lasqueti Trust Committee was adopted. These meetings will be on Lasqueti, at the Arts Centre (or if needed at the church) all on Thursdays: March 15, May 3, July 12, August 30 and October 18. There might be additional meetings, or these dates might change. Notice of these dates, and any changes to them, will be posted at the community hall, the Post Office, the Arts Centre, MaryJane's and on the ferry. They will  also be available on the Lasqueti page of the Islands Trust web site at:

We consolidated the two tasks about parking into one on our Top Priorities list, and moved protection of the foreshore from our Projects list to the Top Priorities list.

We decided to arrange a workshop for Lasqueti in March on preventing and dealing with oil and fuel spills, and authorized the expenditure of up to $250 for this.

We decided to appoint Peter J as the contact person for the Solar BC grant for the False Bay School project.

We set a deadline - Thursday, March 8, 4:30pm - for expressions of interest in serving on the Lasqueti Advisory Planning Commission. More details of this soon.

Questions or comments welcome.  Peter   8785     pjohnston [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca



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