The Adventures of Priscella, Queen of The Desert

Barry Churchill's picture
Event Date: 
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm



The usually menacing British actor Terence Stamp does a complete turnaround as Bernadette, an aging transsexual who tours the backwaters of Australia with her stage partners, Mitzi (Hugo Weaving) and Adam/Felicia (Guy Pearce). Their act, well-known in Sydney, involves wearing lots of makeup and gowns and lip-synching to records, but Bernadette is getting a bit tired of it all and is also haunted by the bizarre death of an old loved one. Nevertheless, when Mitzi and Felicia get an offer to perform in the remote town of Alice Springs at a casino, Bernadette decides to tag along. The threesome ventures into the outback with Priscilla, a lavender-colored school bus that doubles as dressing room and home on the road. Along the way, the act encounters any number of strange characters, as well as incidents of homophobia, while Bernadette becomes increasingly concerned about the path her life has taken. 


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Arts Centre

The Arts Centre is run by the Community Arts Council whose purpose is to support and encourage all forms of creative expression in the community. There are two spaces, gallery and studio. The gallery is a venue for all forms of art : literary, musical, performance, film screenings, as well as exhibitions of visual art. in addition , the space is available for rent by community members for classes, workshops, meetings, or events.The studio is a working space for visual artists , and is available for solo or group projects and workshops. 


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