Clones … What are they? Are they real? Part 3

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The earth has been a physical home for the parasitic elite for thousands of years. This accrual of energy attracted a plethora of additional parasites and mind control programs. These unwanted universal travelers (UUTs) have energy bodies that are able to live within our bodies. These energetic aliens also don’t know how to get energy directly from the Light so they suck our energy too. Just imagine an etheric form of worms, maggots, octopi, caterpillars, flies, etc., each living in particular areas of our bodies, systematically sapping our energy.

Technological alien species elicit our emotional energy to gain a spark of our spirit as their food. They will provoke a specific emotional issue, such as fear or anger, and then take a speck of our DNA and create a copy of our body. This is known as a clone. They will stop time; take this clone, along with a bit of the spirit that is attached to the DNA they have stolen, into another timeline where they have cloned an environment that looks just like the one you think you are in presently. It will get adapted a bit so you are sure to stay in your emotions. Because we permit this to happen, it is done and our energy usurped. Various alien species have perfected this technology and now sell us as clones to each other. We are zipped in and out of timelines. They have made us the live inventory in a food business. We are bought and sold. We may be on a hundred or a thousand different timelines at once. When time is stopped many things can happen at once.

So now you say, ”this is too far out to be a reality”. That is exactly what “they” want you to do … think! It is time to put your mind in an elevator and count it down into your heart … out loud. Do this 3-5 times until a calmness of peace enfolds you. Now ask your spirit a question. Keep practicing this until you recognize the voice of your spirit without question. There will be no judgment. Amitron, R. (2011)

You may start to become aware of instances where you get rocketed in and out of different timelines and sometimes they don’t get the copys’ exactly like the original or they bring you back a split second too late and you find yourself driving off the road or someone starts honking at you because they have been returned too close to you and almost crash into your car, or they forget to bring back your keys and they are lost until the next time you are taken back on that timeline.

Most people on this planet have only about 20% of their Spirit remaining in their body. Aliens have been slurping us dry. We have become so debilitated that we have no idea what it would feel like to be alive and one with our spirit. They have to remember to bring us “home” to our real reality once a month for a couple of hours or we totally run out of energy and die and are no use to them. Our skeleton is the home base for the spirit. To create a clone of us they must have access to our skeleton. Most of us try to think we are just fine.  This really means that nothing majorly negative is happening at present so I won’t complain. They stop time, abduct you, use you, then put you back into place so somebody else can use us. It is aliens that are in charge of this! We need to get out of the drama, and get our spirit back.



Amitron, R (2011) Retrieved from

Amitron, R. (2011) Mind to Heart Drop Retrieved from  Free clearing

Finley, G. (2011) The Powerful Possibilities of Self-Seeing. Seeker’s Guide to Self-Freedom pages 31-32

Finley, G. (2011) Remember Yourself and Realize Freedom. Retrieved from

Nidle, S. (2011) Retrieved from

Sircus, M. (2011) Retrieved from


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