Book Reading - Joe Denham

Event Date: 
Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 7:00pm

One night only: Joe Denham returns to Lasqueti, to read from his recent novel The Year of Broken Glass (2011) also his second book of poetry Windstorm (2009). Both works feature Lasqueti as a setting (although you may not recognize it!) His work is anchored in the West Coast, with its environment of moist beauty, atmospheric intensity and delicate balance. His voice is strong, direct and unflinching, evoking the common man and the anarchist. His poetry and prose has appeared in many literary magazines and anthologies ( Joe is a man of many talents: fisher, builder, father, writer, thinker, and he may even sing a song or two for us.

Joe is also an ex-Lasquetian, so he definitely has a sense of humour. A flogging with zucchinis may be in order....

DATE: Thursday, November 17th

TIME: 7:00 pm

PLACE: The Arts Centre

Call Amber for more details. Donations of snack food appreciated.

This news is related to...: 

Arts Centre

The Arts Centre is run by the Community Arts Council whose purpose is to support and encourage all forms of creative expression in the community. There are two spaces, gallery and studio. The gallery is a venue for all forms of art : literary, musical, performance, film screenings, as well as exhibitions of visual art. in addition , the space is available for rent by community members for classes, workshops, meetings, or events.The studio is a working space for visual artists , and is available for solo or group projects and workshops. 


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