clothing sale

Event Date: 
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm

April showers bring May ............... Clothes?

I have acquired clothes!

Winter stock at sale prices, New washed linen

Jackets, sweaters pants, skirts, leggings and more...............

3:00pm - 5:00ish @ the Art Centre

April 30/ 2008

20% of sales goes to the food bank

Please bring a non-parishable item for the food bank

Tea, wine and goodies will be served.

Come and choose your outfit for the summer!

call Jessie 8651


Hi Jesse!

Congrats - you are among the first to figure out how to post an announcement!

Since your news was related to a specific date, I set the event date on your posting (by editing the post - you can see what I did by simply selecting the Edit tab on this page).   This causes your news to show up in the community calendar and in the Upcoming Events block on the front page...  I hope that is what you wanted.

Good luck with the sale!


Thank you, I'm just getting

Thank you, I'm just getting to know the sight. I kind of just poke around and do things.

thanks again



 What kind of clothes??? Since when are you selling clothes????? Are they funky clothes that I would like???

I have some winter stock

I have some winter stock from my mom's store, and some washed linen pants, skirts, shirts ect.

Are you coming???

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