Arts Council Executive Job Descriptions



The Arts Council President works with the executive (Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) to make decisions about the Arts Centre building, Arts Council events and fundraisers, as well as the allocation of Arts Council funds. S/he is a liaison with and can apply for grants from the BC Assembly of Arts Councils as well as other granting bodies. S/he (with the executive) helps find or choose a co-coordinator for the Arts Festival. S/he is also responsible for encouraging the Arts on the island in general by initiating or supporting events, workshops, and exhibitions.

The President's responsibilities include setting the date and advertising the Arts Council AGM as well as the organizational meeting for the Arts Festival and fielding all manner of arts related questions and issues that may arise in the community during the term.



The Arts Council Vice-President works with the other Board members (President, Secretary, Treasurer) to make decisions about the Arts Centre and Arts Council events. S/he will also work with any committees that are formed, to make sure that communication stays clear and open around projects undertaken for the Arts Council. S/he should be easily available for discussion and consultation with the other Board members and committees. S/he supports the President and the other officers in their work with the Arts Council and the Lasqueti community, and in particular stands in for the President in the President's absence.


The Secretary of the Arts Council works together with the other Board members (President, Vice-President, Treasurer) to care for the Arts Centre and promote Arts Council events on Lasqueti. S/he is easily available for discussion and consultation regarding Arts Council issues, offering a key supportive role within the executive board. In particular, the Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at the annual fall AGM and commences the meeting with a presentation of minutes from the previous year. S/he is also available for check signing and letter writing as necessary.


The Treasurer of the Arts Council holds a vital role. S/he keeps account of money taken in, money spent, and monies held. Funds come in the form of donations, dues, grants, Art events including the Arts Festival and the Film Festival, Art sales commissions, and Arts Centre rental. Money is spent on Arts Centre maintenance (building supplies, cleaning, generator, water, heating, propane tank rental and insurance), Arts publicity, Arts Festival expenses, Art sales payments, Art program subsidies and Arts Council of B.C. Dues. Monies are held in chequing and savings accounts with the Coastal Community Credit Union, as well as a petty cash account.

The Treasurer is also responsible for submitting an annual financial statement, prepared by an independent auditor, stating receipts and expenses, to the Arts Council AGM.




This news is related to...: 

Community Arts Council

The Lasqueti Island Community Arts Council exists to support and nurture creativity on the island through sponsorships and community events. It maintains the Arts Centre: a small gallery used for exhibitions, life drawing groups, creative projects, poetry classes, and film screenings.


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