Minutes for 2011 Arts Council AGM






Meeting called to order by President Sophia Rosenberg. Eight members present.

Minutes from 2010 AGM presented by Secretary Jodi Beth Morrison, accepted as presented.

Treasurer's Report presented by Treasurer Tony Seaman, accepted as presented.

Job descriptions presented by each current position holder.

Election of officers, all by acclamation: President, Sophia Rosenberg

Vice President, Sue Wheeler

Secretary, Jodi Beth Morrison

Treasurer, Tony Seaman

Year End Report presented by President Sophia Rosenberg.


New Business:

Committee forming:

  • Building committee (ACBC): to (1) maintain the Arts Centre building, (2)offer consultation on project ideas relating to the building, and (3)oversee administration of these projects. In essence, the ACBC will serve to put decisions regarding AC building projects into the hands of those with the related expertise. A member of the executive board will sit on the committee to act as liaison. Tony Seaman has agreed to do this. Board will choose committee members soon.


  • Arts Festival Advisory Committee (AFAC): Sam Bain, Kathy Shultz, and Sue Wheeler will sit on this committee to select the upcoming AF coordinator, offer consultation, and act as liaison (through Sue Wheeler) between the AF coordinator and the executive board.

Cob Generator Shed: Once the ACBC is in place, it will go about testing out the generator shed for noise level, ventilation, and any other concerns before permanently putting it in place.

Storage issue: It was also agreed that more storage area of some sort is still needed on site. Possibly some storage available in cob shed. Idea was presented to enclose front porch area with 'blinds' that would be lightweight and inexpensive (coroplast was suggested), yet shield items being stored behind them. Also proposed to build shed on back of building that can be 'unscrewed' when addition is built.

Other building projects/ideas discussed:

*Changing entrance to side door.

*Taking out inside pole, and supporting loft from ceiling.

*Permanent propane hook-up for stove, running a line from big tank.

*Trench for wiring from generator, installation of charge controller and inverter.

*Safety railing around three sides of opening to stairway in loft.

*½ Safety wall/railing for edge of loft.

Two hours/month cleaning will continue by Jodi Beth.

Interest in fall/holiday art show, October Skies/Littles themes suggested.


It was decided to use current carpet scrap with plastic underneath for working on messy projects in the space.

The meeting ended with the creation of a building fund as a first step toward realizing the dream of the addition of a working artists' space at the Arts Centre.

Respectfully submitted,

Jodi Beth Morrison, Secretary





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Community Arts Council

The Lasqueti Island Community Arts Council exists to support and nurture creativity on the island through sponsorships and community events. It maintains the Arts Centre: a small gallery used for exhibitions, life drawing groups, creative projects, poetry classes, and film screenings.


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