Songs of the Salish Sea

Event Date: 
Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 8:00pm

Valdy, Kathy Stack, and Graham Wardrop are kicking off their Songs of the Salish Sea Tour on Lasqueti this year.

Islands have individual cultures, sometimes unintended, always unique.  They get celebrated in the Songs of the Salish Sea, now in its third season.

Three songwriters, remounting their 2006 touring format, will again visit Lasqueti Island the eve of Thursday, May 15th.

  • Fisher-poet Kathy Stack of Saltspring Island.
  • Guitarist, singer/songwriter Graham Wardrop, from Christchurch, NZ.
  • Fellow Saltspringer Valdy, a folksinger.

Kathy sang on a Valdy recording at the A&M lot in LA.  Valdy has toured both islands of New Zealand with Graham. Individually each singer is engaging as each performs alone.  Collectively,  the three are a fine blend: musically, vocally, and in their presence.

These performers are doing it because they enjoy it, and it's infectious.

Please come and enjoy Songs of the Salish Sea on Thursday May 15th at the Community Hall. Tickets are $15 for working adults, $10 for others, which would include seniors, students and underemployed.



For those, like me, that don't know, who is he and what is it he does? Thanks, Scott

there you go!

Kathy Stack sent the above along... I included a link to Valdy's site.

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