Internet Centre "Changes"

Lasqueti’s Internet Centre, What do we want?

Fellow islanders, eleven years ago we created an Internet centre on Lasqueti in order to meet the needs of the island for faster Internet access, photocopying, faxing. At the time this was the best alternative for these services on the island. Times have changed and our needs have changed and it is now time for the island to decide what they need/want from an Internet centre and what they are willing to do to maintain and support a centre.


For the past few years the Lasqueti Internet Access Society(LIAS) has been trying to maintain the centre but the amount of work and cost to do so has created problems for LIAS. The membership in the centre has diminished and use has dropped off greatly. The contract with the school district is under review and the application for another year of the CAP grant is coming up. This seems a good time for all of us to reinvent our Internet centre.


The LIAS board is willing to mentor this process and continue to maintain the finances for a NEW ECENTRE based on the ideas, needs and contributions of the community.  However, LIAS can no longer maintain the day-to-day supervision of our Internet centre. Until the community comes together around this issue the Internet centre will be open at reduced hours and with reduced services. All transactions at the centre will need to be made at the time of use in cash.


For those interested in having services available at the Internet Centre, or interested in helping keep it operating, please email ecentre [at] lias [dot] ca or leave your name and contact information with one of the volunteers at the Internet Centre. 


The LIAS board

This news is related to...: 

Internet Centre (Closed)

The Internet Centre is no longer open.


LIAS no longer operates the public access computer centre formerly known as the e-centre. It was closed due to a lack of sufficient interest or energy from centre users and volunteers.

LIAS has no plans to re establish or re open an e-centre.


internet centre

The centre is now open on Tuesdays 5-9 and Saturdays 1-5. It will soon be open on two more days.

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