Looking for Owen

I received the following request - but cannot verify its authenticity.

Missing Person:

have you seen or  heard of a new visitor to your island who happens to be an Australian boy with black
hair named Owen?

nik [at] globalauthority [dot] ca



Thank you for posting this.

The request is 100% authentic.

Below is a blog created to spread the word on Owen's disappearance.
There are videos, news articles and photos on the website.

Could everyone please look at his photo and keep an eye out for him.


I also received this...

my friend owen rooney is missing for 3,5month now.
there is a chance he hasbeen seen in nainamo.
beside that, there is a chance that he is at lasqueti island.
is it possible to post his missing info on your website?
you can find anything at www.find-owen.com or use this poster;
http://www.greenthumbdesign.ca/owens%20new%20poster_nov.pdf thank you very much! greets emmely

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