well drilling

we are hoping to drill a water well this year. if we have a few people who want to do the same then we can all share the mobilization costs . if you are considering drilling a well and want to coordinate this with others to reduce your costs please let us know.



well drilling update

Just a quick update - thanks to several people who have expressed interest in well drilling. We are now getting some prices and will keep you posted on costs and timing. We will all share the mob/de-mob'n costs so the more people the lower the cost. The next step will be to let them know who wants a well drilled and the drilling company has asked us to compile a list of names and numbers so they can confirm arrangements directly with each person.


p.s. - if you are looking for free firewood I have a stack of balsam logs available

Free firewood logs

Iain,  the community hall could use the firewood. Where is it located?  Can we put in a request for it?  Do you need it removed soon, or is later in the summer okay (if someone else hasn't asked for it first)?  Thanks.  Peter Johnston   pjohnston [at] lasqueti [dot] ca

Feee logs

Hi Peter - the community hall is more than welcome to the wood, however I heard that a firewood cutter was also interested in some of it though he has not contacted me directly. I can reserve it for the hall if you can commit to moving it - Don MacDonald can be contacted to move it as he knows where it is. There are more than 30 logs and some are large diameter for balsam. They are on lot 15 Spring Bay Road (next to Sharon's lot). The pile is on the right hand side of the driveway as you enter - where the driveway widens to the open lot. There is a pile on the left hand side of smaller wood that is to be left alone. Bruce Grant is working there and either he or Don can point out the way. As for timing, May or June at the latest is best.


well drilling

please let me know what costs are looking like- i might be needing a new well...

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