First Impressions

Please take a moment to try out just one of the new features of the website and let me know what you think...

  • To post new content you must be logged in
  • In your "personal navigation menu" (left sidebar), choose "Post to website".
  • You could:
    • Post a Blog entry if you want to share an idea or thoughts - this item is a blog entry!
    • Post a Classified Ad to sell something, request something, or give something away.
    • Post a Forum topic to start a discussion on the new Message Board.
    • Post a News or Event item to make an announcement to the community or create an event on the community calendar.
    • Post a Photo you'd like to share with the community or even have included in the image slideshows on the front page.
  • Note: Blogs and file uploads (e.g., to post a photo) is restricted to "trusted users" - anyone listed in the Lasqueti phone book will be granted "trusted" status, but your overworked webmaster needs to do this by hand.  Have a little patience, and you will see "Post Photo" and "My Blog" show up on your personal menu (or contact the webmaster if you've already waited long enough!)

Don't try to do too much - just choose to learn one thing - and most importantly, post a comment here to let me know how it went.  Was it easy or hard?  Did it work like you expected?  Was the result what you expected?  Do you think this is a useful feature?  Your feedback is really imporant at this stage - posting a comment is easy - just click the "Add New Comment" link below...


first impressions

works fine.  looks fantastic.  way to go joseph!!

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