Whereabouts of Lindsay Smyth?
Lyndsay Smyth may be a "missing person" - if you know the whereabouts of Lindsay Smyth, or can get a message to hm, please have him contact Pam, Mom, and/or the RCMP.
Lyndsay was a resident one Lasqueti, and knows many folks here. He now resides at Telegraph Creek.
His father passed away some time ago, but he has not been in contact with his family, and is needed to settle the estate. His family is very worried about his welfare, as they have not heard from him in so long.
For more info, see request from his family: http://lasqueti.ca/node/1009
Lindsay Smyth
This article is nonsense. I was concerned when it first appeared and contacted my friend in Nanaimo. She is Lindseys' cousin and he is often there. She said he'd been doing work, digging in her garden for the past 2 days and that his family knows how to find him when they want to.
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