Drupal is up and running!

Two days ago I successfully got Drupal installed and configured at lasqueti.ca/drupal.

For the past 2 days I have been busy configuring the site, installing our custom theme, and downloading, installing, and configuring all of the plug-in  modules that will do all of the (hopefully) neat stuff.  I also set-up a set of basic vocabularies for the classified ads, discussion forums, and image galleries to help provide structure to all the content.

Issues still to be resolved:

  1. Rich Text editor does not display correct toolbar, despite changes to config.js file
  2. Need to upload images for various blocks displayed on website - including 2 new ones!
  3. Need to create the various custom blocks used to breath life into the site.
  4. Need to configure and customize the "recent activity" blocks and events calendar.
  5. Add content!!!  All the content from the "old" website needs to be moved over and linked together
  6. Create the menu system - especially the "user" menu, which is cutom tailored for each user.

This is the first piece of content added to the site... I'll follow up by posting all of my articles from the Isle & Times....


Updated lasqueti site

Great work on the new site!Very Dynamic.

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