Peter Johnston's blog

concern about assembly and spread

I know that most of us are careful and considerate most of the time, and these last nearly two years have given us lots of opportunity to practice. Most of us have limited our travel, and taken special care when we return home, minimizing contact with others on our way, and isolating at home until we are sure we're safe.

More well and water information

Last year I received a package of information on wells and water from the Trust office. It's all on-line. Here are the links.

Seawater intrusion challenges coastal communities 2

Here is page 2 of the document. Page 1 is located at

Draft Bylaw 95 - Subdivision Regulations

Hello Laura, Susan and Tim,

I have serious concerns about Draft Bylaw 95 - Subdivision Regulations, that you gave first reading today, and which will be sent out for referral.

Seawater intrusion challenges coastal communities

This attachment is page one of a two-page PDF document scan I made from the Washington State Department of Ecology, from an newsletter "Coastal Currents" Vol XV No 10  April 1991 with the above title.  Page 2 will be on my next blog entry.

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