Peter Johnston's blog

Agenda for Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting March 15, 11am at the Arts Centre

This is the agenda for the meeting. Sorry that the formatting is not perfect. The agenda and the full information package (90 pages, lots of background material) will be posted on the Islands Trust website on Tuesday. Times are estimates only, and should not be relied upon.


All Bio-fuels are not equal; some are worse than crude oil

Here are two brief articles from the Guardian Weekly, 10 Feb 2012, that put a perspective on the various fuels. The second indicates that there are lots of grades of “crude” oil, but points at a hopeful way to encourage use of the less damaging fuels.


Islands Trust Budget Comments & Policy Statement Review

Islands Trust Budget comments

Friday noon is the deadline to submit your comments on the proposed Islands Trust 2012-13 budget in time for the Financial Planning Committee to consider them.

Isle & Times Trustee Note with links

Here is my article in today's Our Isle & Times, with links to the exact page that the information is on.


Tar Sands Pipelines

It has seemed odd to me that the current discussion is only about whether the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline can be built and operated in an "environmentally friendly" way.

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