Solar Water Heating Funding Available
I'm with a Solar Water Heating Company from Victoria called Ambient Source that provides residential and commercial solar thermal systems. The Federal and Provincial governments recently started providing partial funding for solar thermal systems through Solar BC. There is $1625.00 available for each installed system, and will add another $325.00 for bulk buy groups of 20 or more, a total of $1950.00 savings. If there is enough interest on Lasqueti we would set a date for a presentation at the community hall or arts center for all those interested, I will be on Lasqueti till March 8 and would be happy to talk or visit your home to help assess the possibilities for a solar thermal installation. For more information please call Johnny @ (250)858-1131 or email: info [at] ambientsource [dot] ca
Johnny Thiessen
Ambient Source Energy Systems
info [at] ambientsource [dot] ca
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