Public Hearing update

Public Hearing update:


Thanks to the work of Judith Fisher Centre admin Ian and the cooperation of nurse Dianne, there will be an opportunity for people who have don’t otherwise have access to attend the continuation of the Public Hearing via Zoom to use the meeting room at the Health Centre on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 1 PM. 


I will set up a Zoom –enabled laptop that will be available for people to listen and speak at the Public Hearing. I have confirmed with the LTC Chair that multiple people will be permitted speak from the same device. I will be at the meeting room by 12:30 to get things set up. 


It would be helpful to have a volunteer on site to assist with making a list of people who want to speak and facilitate using Zoom. I will be attending the Zoom via a different device, and I will need to give my full attention to the Public Hearing, so please let me know if you are willing to assist. (Experience with Zoom a plus, but not essential.) 


If you would like to help, please let me know via email tpeterson [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca or phone or text 250-607-7094.


For people coming to see the nurse, Ian will put up signs directing people to the right door for either the nurse or the meeting. 


For those unable to attend at the Health Centre or elsewhere via Zoom, submissions will continue to be recieved until the closing of the Public Hearing (approximately 3 PM, Feb. 27) via email to: 


northphsub [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca 


(The deadline for Canada Post submissions to the Gabriola office is Feb. 26, so attending the Zoom meeting or commenting via email is probably a better option.)



Public Hearing link:




Special Meeting link:





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