Fibre Optic application

For those interested, here is the link to the Lasqueti LTC applications page. The most recent staff report and draft bylaw can be accessed here:


Alternately, you can copy and paste the following into your browser to take you directly to the staff report:




Please note that the LTC passed resolutions slightly different than those in the staff report.  Those resolutions passed are intended to ensure opportunity for community input, including a public hearing; to facilitate the timeline such that the funding deadlines can be met should the project proceed, and to ensure that the rezoning is specific to the proposed site and use only.


Feel free to contact your trustees or islands Trust staff with your questions or concerns. laltc [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca


Is is expected that the Public Hearing will occur at the next regular meeting, Feb 10 at the JFC (Health Centre). More information on that to come.




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