Some historical documentation.



For anyone interested, there is a long history detailing the intent behind residential schools, and the truth of what was going on in them.


The Davin Report of 1879 showed the clear, methodical intention of the Canadian government to force Indigenous children out of their communities and away from their cultures by any means necessary.

The Shaw letter, of 1898 detailed the rampant physical and mental abuse taking place, and the author, Elizabeth Shaw, was discredited and declared mentally unfit by the Methodist missionary who founded the school.

The Bryce Report of 1907 was followed in 1922 with the even more damning “The story of a national crime: Being an appeal for justice to the Indians of Canada”. Although this report was distributed to members of Parliament and covered by the press, it did not lead to any lasting change. Dr. Bryce spent years repeatedly calling for change and pointing out the atrocities occurring within the schools, until he was forcibly retired in 1921. Bryce was "retired" from his job as Chief Medical Officer and never worked in the medical field again.


Further reading about these reports:









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