V-Star Varieties Catalog

The V-Star Varieties greenhouse is set to nurse lots of vegetable, herb and flower bedding plants for 2024. I use seed from Vesey’s, William Dam, Salt Spring Seeds, T and T seeds, West Coast Seeds as well as my own V-Star Seeds. Soil is mixed with commercial blends, none of my own dirt enters the starter chain. 

Depending on weather and germination rates, some babies could be ready for gardens in mid-late March. Look for them at the Ruby’s Corner Stand, the Saturday Market or come visit my farm. Call 250 240 7288 or email jennyv [at] lasqueti [dot] ca to make your special orders.   xoJennyV




Celery - Ventura - great sweet flavour with delicious crunch!



Broccoli - Gyspy, heat resistant, tasty domed, deep-green head 

              - Winter Wonder Purple - cold hardy, small purple flower shoots in early spring

Brussel Sprouts - Catskill OP - large sprouts on 2’ plants

Cabbage -Tiara, early, med-size, short core, tasty tender leaves perfect for coleslaw        

                -Red Acre - OP resistant to splitting 

                -Danish Ballhead OP – heirloom, mild, tender, standard storage cabbage 

Cauliflower  -Amazing - uniform, main season, tight white curds

    - Galleon - overwinter cauliflower 

Collards - TopBunch - dark coloured smooth leaves, slow to bolt

Kale - Red Russian and Dazzling Blue Lacinato




Jade - green bush beans

Goldrush - yellow bush beans

Royal Burgundy - purple bush beans

Fortex - long green climbing beans




Chard -  Bright  Lights  red, pink, yellow stalks 

    - Fordhook Giant - cold hardy heirloom variety, saved dark green leaves


Cucurbits (winter and summer squash and cucumbers)

Delicata – 5-7 med winter squash per plant, perfect for stuffing and baking

Butternut – Early Butternut medium sized fruit, semi bush plants

Kabocha – Black Forest, smaller variety 4-5 dark green 3-4 lb fruits, sweet & delicious

Kabocha - First Taste 

Table Queen Acorn squash - heirloom, med fruit, golden flesh turns orange in storage

Hokkaido - Med sized, blue-green skin, thick dark orange flesh, trailing, good storage

Baby Blue Hubbard - teardrops shaped, smooth blue-grey skin 4-6 lb fruits


Wisconsin Pickling Cuke - vigorous vines, medium green blocky fruit with black spines

Summer Dance- very long and thin skinned hybrid

Calypso cucumber - for slicing or pickling, heavy producer

Regal Cucumber - hybrid pickler, slightly longer and slimmer than other picklers

Homemade pickles - blimp shaped, medium green, productive and vigorous OP

National Pickling Cucumber - heirloom, long season producer, thin skinned 6” cakes

Zucchini – Black Beauty - Open Pollinated, dark green fruit on large bush plants 

                - Sun Stripe - yellow zucchini nutty flavour and smooth texture 

               Cocozelle - OP Romanesco type ribbed, pale green striped skin, open bush




Honey Select Sweet Corn - tender, sweet, flavourful hybrid, hold well in field



Long Purple - stocky productive plants, 4 or more fruits/plant

Diamond - elongated black globes for northern climates, fairly short plants 



Alyssum - Dwarf Purple - low growing for containers, good for pollinators

Bachelor Button - Blue Jubilee Gem- semi dwarf plants, frilly periwinkle blue blossoms

Rudbeckia - Rustic Colours, 2’tall, profuse blooms in yellow, orange, red and mahogany

Lobelia - Midnight Blue, vivid navy blue tiny trailing flowers

Larkspur - spires of dark purple and blue flowers, loved by pollinators

Nasturtiums – red yellow orange, trailing and edible

Marigold - Gem, small red, yellow or orange flowers, compact plant

Nigella - Love-In-A-Mist, lacy leaves, light blue or white flowers, 3’ tall plants

Lunaria - aka money plant. Early purple flowers. Silvery coin seeds.

Petunia - Balcony Choice Mixed - variety of colours, vigorous branching plant

Snapdragon – tall, variety of colours for cutting 

Sea Holly - prickly steel blue flowers, good for cutting and drying, perennial 

Sunflowers – variety of heights and colours 

Strawflower - Monstrosum Mix - strong stems rainbow of col ours 

Sweet William - biennial - pinks, reds and bi-colour, butterflies love them

Sweet Peas - V-Star collection, mix of Constanze’s sweet peas and Old Spice

Zinnia – Fireball - vibrant shades or oranges and red, single and fully double 

Cosmos - singe pinks



Basil - Genovese - original pesto basil from Italy, pronounced flavour 

Basil - Siam Queen - liquorice flavoured 

Basil - Red Rubin - purple basil

Chamomile - small white daisy flowers on ferny foliage, good for medicinal teas 


Dill - Ella dwarf dill bred for container gardening, compact and bushy 

Fennel - Selma Fino bulbing fennel, 

Licorice Mint - Agastache tall spikes of edible lavender flowers, non-invasive, medicinal

Parsley - Curly Leaf or Italian Flat Leaf

Lavender - Dward Munstead

Lavender - French Lavender

Thyme - Creeping Thyme - excellent ground cover

Lemongrass - 

Sage - 



Bandit - classic overwinter leek



Onions - 

Newburg - long term storage yellow onion

Red Wing - hybrid red keeper



Lettuce - Greenstar, Red Sails, Drunken Woman, Sierra, Brunia, Salinas, Freckles, Parris Isle Cos, New Red Fire, Sangria, Buttercrunch. Lolla Rossa, Red Rosie, Red Iceberg, Cimmaron



Green Arrow - shelling

Cascadia - snap

Avalanche - snow



Ancho –  mildly pungent, slightly sweet, good for Chili Rejannos 

Hungarian Hot Wax - abundant mild-hot chilis for roasting, frying, and pickling 

Italian Sweet – matures to deep red, long tapers, very sweet 

California Wonder 300 - 

Orange Sun - 4” bell peppers on 2 ft plants, deliciously sweet

King of the North - early(ish) big sweet red peppers

Sweet Etudia - vivid, orange bell pepper, blocky thick walled fruit

Jalapeno – pungent, medium hot, thick walled, juicy, dark green

Pepperocini - Italian heirloom, great for pickling, abundant, long, slender, slightly hot

Sureno - twice as hot as jalapeños bred for compactness and productivity

Joes’ Long Cayenne - 12” long med hot peppers for stir frying or drying

Long Slim Cayenne - highly pungent, hot, long 6” pencil thin fruits

Tim Bomb - red hot cherry, vigorous

Early Thai - very hot, 2-3” long slender pointy fruit



Oregon Spring - early maturing med size tomato, heavy yielding, determinate

Juliet – enormous clusters of small, elongated roma tomatoes on indeterminate vines 

Roma VF - plum shaped fruit with meaty interior paste type, determinate

San Marzano – best sauce tomato, prolific, indeterminate

Big Beef – really big, firm, meaty, sweet, vigorous vine

Jaune Flamme - dark orange apricot sized fruits, sweet and prolific

Green Zebra - Light and dark green stripes, green flesh is firm, mild tangy taste, bush

Sungold – orange cherry tomatoes, productive, long trusses, unique sweet taste

Gardener’s Delight - consistent flavourful heirloom, crack resistant red cherry

Yellow Cab-  bright yellow golf ball-sized fruits, sweet flavour, juicy interiors, vine


Tomatillo - 

Toma Verde - fat fruits good for salsa and jams, vigorous and generous







Due to rising costs of soil and packaging and all the things I am going to raise my prices for  the first time in over a decade. I give deals for bulk orders though!


Artichokes and squash plants - $3/ 4” pot


Tomatoes in cups - $4 each


Peppers and Eggplant in 2” pots  $3 each


Most everything else comes in a 4 pack - $3.00 

Except onions and leeks come in a single cell - $3.00 each


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