Powell River Regional Hospital District Seeks Feedback on Proposed Name Change
The Powell River Regional Hospital District is seeking public feedback regarding changing its name to qathet Regional Hospital District.
Members of the public who live or own property within the Powell River Regional Hospital District boundaries are invited to submit feedback on the proposed name change. Please ensure all feedback submitted includes your full name and mailing address. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted or considered.
You may send your feedback in the following ways:
BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: Regional Hospital District Board of Directors
#202-4675 Marine Ave
Powell River, BC V0N 2L2
BY EMAIL: administration [at] qathet [dot] ca
BY FAX: 604-485-2216
The deadline for receiving feedback is June 15, 2022. Please ensure all feedback is received by the deadline in order to be included for consideration.
Personal information provided along with feedback is collected pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of enabling members of the public to provide feedback on the proposed name change and to enable the consideration of that feedback. Any personal information you provide in your feedback, as well as all content of feedback will become part of the public record, be made available for public inspection, be published on a public agenda, and forwarded to the Province of BC.
To view the project timeline, staff reports and other background information, please visit qathet.ca/hospital-district-name-change/ or contact the qathet Regional District Administration Department at 604-485-2260 or administration [at] qathet [dot] ca.
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