Important agenda items to note for Monday's Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting

The agenda package for Monday’s meeting at the Health Centre (11am) is at

Because of my intense involvement in the Xwe’etay/Lasqueti Archaeology Project this week, I have not had time to read the agenda package information carefully. I’ll spend the weekend doing this. I will be attending the meeting electronically, by telephone I think, instead of in person.

An agenda item that should be noticed is the New Business item Request for Decision regarding New Fees Bylaw that is on pages 124 through 140.  This is a request from Trust Council that each Local Trust Committee adopt a new fee schedule based on the Model Fees Bylaw (beginning on p 134). The goal of the proposal is for the Trust to recover 80% of the average costs of processing applications.

The model fees bylaw is significantly different from our current Fees Bylaw ( located at

There are many fees in the Model Bylaw for services we don’t provide or require on Lasqueti, and other fees are labelled and arranged different from our current fees bylaw. Generally, fees are proposed to increase, sometimes considerably, though one or two would actually decrease.

The Director of Local Planning Services includes this in his report (bottom of p 125):

Fee bylaws are administrative bylaws. There is no requirement for public input. The local trust

committee may consider first, second and third readings all at one meeting.

It is possible that the LTC will pass first, second and third reading at our meeting on Monday. After the Executive Commmittee approves the bylaw, the LTC can adopt it by Resolution Without Meeting, or at its next meeting.   

If you want to be sure that you have input into this bylaw, come to the meeting or email  or talk to one or more of the trustees: Peter Luckham 250-210-2553  Tim Peterson  250-6077094   Peter Johnston  250-333-8785 (but it doesn’t work; small possibility  it might be fixed today/Friday or Monday; don’t hold your breath)


The OCP takes up most of the pages of the agenda package, pages 20 through 123.  The Staff Report is on p 20 through 26, and there are three attachments to it:

1. Draft of Bylaw 98 for consideration of amending 2nd Reading;     begins on p 27

2. Track changes version of proposed amended 2nd Reading draft;    begins on p71

3. Trustee Johnston comments.     Beginning on p 116

My comments are based on the version of the proposed OCP that is in the August 13 LTC meeting agenda package, at  That version of the OCP begins on page 57.






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