archaeology visit to Marshall's Beach Friday

Posted Friday morning at approximately 8am:


“Looking forward to seeing everyone at Marshall’s Beach today for the Community Picnic.  Winds looks good to shuttle folks via skiff from the Lindsay/Hopwood/Ferris beach.  We’ll start shuttling people from the beach ~10:30.  See you there!”






The beach access at the Lindsay/Hopwood/Ferris property is not safe or comfortable for boats if it's blowing strongly NorthWest. On Friday morning I'll post directions for boat ride to Marshall's Beach here, on this site, just as soon as we know which way, and how strongly, the wind is blowing. 


email that missed the digest Thursday morning:


Tla'amin visit 19 and 20 August at the Hall and Marshall's


Dana Lepofsky <dlepofsk [at] sfu [dot] ca>


8/18/2021, 10:25 PM


email_list [at] lasqueti [dot] ca


I'm happy to say that 10 folks from Tla’amin Nation will be coming to visit Xwe’etay/Lasqueti to share food, look at archaeological sites, and mostly just to have fun.


Here’s an outline of the inter-community events.  All are welcome!!!


***Please note we will NOT be going to Jedediah first via boat (boat troubles)***


Thursday, 19 August, 6pm:  Picnic dinner outside at the hall.  Bring your own food, etc.    


Friday, 20 August, 10am onward.  picnic gathering, tour of archaeology sites at Marshall's Beach   Bring your own picnic.  


You’ll want to be at Marshall’s Beach ~11am to catch the low tide and get a good view of all the intertidal features.


There are two ways to get to the Marshall’s Beach:


1) by walking around the beach from the Hopwood/Ferris/Lyndsey beach.  This requires going over some tricky rocks so this is not the best route for everyone. (see directions, below).


2) via the skiff we’ll have to ferry people to Marshall’s Beach.   If the winds are calm (<15 knots), we will run the skiff from the Hopwood/Ferris/Lyndsey beach.  If it’s windy (>15 knots), we will ferry people in a bigger boat from the Tucker Bay launch.  


***If you want to go by our boat to Marshall’s beach, please check on Friday morning to see whether we will be ferrying folks from the Hopwood/Ferris/Lyndsey beach or from Tucker Bay.  We will also provide details on where to park if leaving from Tucker Bay.  So far, the winds are looking ok to ferry people from the Hopwood/Ferris/Lyndsey beach.  Here’s hoping!


***Please respect the wishes of the landowners and do not access Marshall’s Beach from land other than via the Hopwood/Ferris/Lyndsey property.  This also means that once at Marshall’s Beach, please do not go above the high tide line to see the midden.  


Please also respect people’s concerns about Covid.  This means keeping a respectful physical distance from those outside your circle.


I'm so looking forward to bringing folks together to celebrate Indigenous heritage and the power of communities.  As always, please contact me with any questions.



Dana (for the Xwe’etay/Lasqueti Archaeology Project team)



To get to Marshall’s Beach via the Hopwood/Ferris/Lyndsey beach (via walking or via skiff in calmish weather)

Drive down Lennie Road and veer right at the choices.  Drive till you see Faren's car (Black Nissan X-trail) and park there.   Walk down Chris and Doug's driveway (losing elevation) and you’ll see a sign to the right just before you get to their garden gate, that says “to the beach”.   Follow that road down hill to the beach at the bottom of the hill.


If you’re going to walk to Marshall’s beach, at the bottom of the hill take the trail to the right.  It’s a 10 - 15  minutes walk over the rocks to Marshall’s beach on your right.  It's a big, expansive flat that you can see from the starting point.   Please wear good shoes and take your time, the rocks are slippery!


Alternatively, if weather permits, you can wait on the beach and we will have a small skiff that will ferry you to Marshall’s Beach (a very short ride).


To get to Marshall’s Beach via boat from Tucker Bay if its windy

visit for details on Friday morning.


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