Mainroad - dust control FAQ

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Good morning stakeholders,

As dry weather conditions persist this summer, Mainroad is experiencing a high volume of calls concerning dust control.

We have launched a new public information resource to address some of the frequently asked questions.  This FAQ is published on Mainroad’s website:

We always welcome your feedback!  Please call Mainroad’s 24-hour public information hotline to report changing road conditions.  All highway maintenance feedback is logged and passed onto crews in the area. Be sure to leave your number to request a call back.

Have the best day.

This news is related to...: 

Mainroad Mid Island Contracting

Provides road maintenance services for Lasqueti Island

To report changing road conditions or emergency situations that could cause a hazard to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists, call:

Toll free 24-hour hotline: 1-877-215-6006.


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