Sring Bay Races
Less Than One week to go
The Lasqueti Yacht Club
Spring Bay Races
Thursday July 15th.
Registration start at 3:PM
Races to start shortly after.
Absolutely Free for Spectators
Come and watch
Come and Participate
Or Come and do Both
The first Race is the Kayak Relay 2 people per teem using the same Kayak the switch over on the beach is where it can get fun.
The second Race is the Stand Up Paddle board race out and around Candy Bear on her mooring.
The Third and Final Race is the single race with paddlers doing a double loop.
All Participants must wear a PFD
After the racing is finished Polish Sausage on a bun will be served $5.00 each
Please bring your own liquid refreshments.
2 Category’s
-Under 15 Kids
-and Everybody Else
All under 15 Kids register for $1.00
Everybody else
Club members $2.00 per race or all three $5.00
Non Club participants $4.00 or all three for $10.00
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