Special Islands Trust Council meeting on Policy Statement July 7, 8
Two sessions are scheduled: Wednesday evening, July 7, 6:30 information session for participants; 7 – 9pm Town Hall session to hear views and opinions.
Thursday, July 8, 9am – 2pm (approx..) Trust Council special meeting to consider giving first reading to proposed new Policy Statement bylaw, and then refer it to communities, First Nations, agencies, etc.
The Policy Statement applies to the entire Islands Trust Area, and establishes a general statement of policies of Trust Council to carry out the Islands Trust Object to preserve and protect the unique amenities and environment of the Trust Area.
Details at https://islandstrust.bc.ca/event/trust-council-special-meeting-2/
To attend the Town Hall session over the internet, click the Attend button.
https://islandstrust.zoom.us/j/67029743021 You can also attend the Thursday session.
To watch it on the internet, click the Watch Livestream button. http://collaboratevideo.net/islandstrust/A If you wish to speak, you must Attend. You can watch the livestream live, or watch a recording of it later.
Phone-in: 833-958-1164 or 833-955-1088 Webinar ID: 670 2974 3021
The full agenda package, with staff reports and copies of the old and proposed Policy Statement, is at https://islandstrust.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/TC_2021-07-07-8_SM_AGD_PKG_FINAL.pdf
A copy of the proposed Policy Statement only is at https://islandstrust.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/TC_2021-07-07_Draft-Islands-Trust-Policy-Statement-Bylaw183-CLEAN-COPY_POL_FINAL.pdf
The Policy Statement includes Directive Policies for Local Trust Committees and Island Municipalities. These policies direct local trust committees and island municipalities to include certain types of policies and approaches in their official community plans and bylaws, unless explicit reasons are given to justify not doing so. Directive policies generally commence with the phrase “Local trust committees and island municipalities shall, in their official community plans and regulatory bylaws…” These policies generally strive for a harmonized regional approach while also leaving flexibility for more detailed, locally-appropriate implementation tools and strategies.
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