report on Monday's Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting
This is my recollection and understanding of what we discussed and decided at Monday’s meeting. It’s totally unofficial. A link to the recorded Live Stream of the meeting will be posted on the web site fairly soon.
The agenda package for the meeting is at
We will keep on meeting electronically until we’re told that it’s safe to return to meeting in person again.
We discussed the Official Community Plan revision, noting that there has been a lot of correspondence from members of public, which is being posted to the project web page Our planner, Regional Plannin Manager Heather Kauer, will be compiling the comments and suggested/requested changes and preparing a report starting toward the end of March, so be sure to have your comments submitted by then, so they can be included. Hopefully her report and a revised draft of the proposed OCP will be ready for consideration at the next scheduled LTC meeting, April 26. I expect the agenda package will be posted to the web site very shortly after the middle of April.
We had a verbal report with the Trust’s freshwater specialist, William Schulba about the Pete’s Lake Watershed project and about an additional project that he’s working on for several of the northern Trust islands, including Lasqueti.
We received the Forest Conservation Outreach briefing that showed the huge proportion of the Coastal Douglasfir forest that is on Lasqueti, RPM Kauer’s report that we can “spot” zone parts of a parcel.
We decided to not try to make any changes about mooring buoys at this time, because local government don’t have much control, and no way to enforce any control that they might have.
We decided to try to adopt our minutes from this meeting by Resolution Without Meeting (RWM). If we can do this, the minutes can be posted soon after they are adopted, rather than after they are adopted at the next meeting, which can be three or four months delay. We will each have to communicate about the minutes only with our planner, as we can only discuss Trust business together when we are at a properly constituted meeting. We’ll see how it goes. I’ll let you know when the minutes are posted, and the Live Stream.
My request for a LTC letter of support for the coastal cleanup of the central Salish Sea area, coordinated and supported by the Ocean Legacy Foundation is being deal with by Resolution Without Meeeting in the next few days. This is support for a number of groups to apply for funding together, as the minimum amount they can apply for is a half a million dollars. Lasqueti is working with groups from Gibsons, Denman Island, Powell River, Quadra Island, Tla’amin Nation. Our clean-up area will extend from Ballenas to Lasqueti and all associated smaller islands, and from Anderson Bay on Texada around the bottom of Texada up the south west side of Texada to Davie Bay. This is very roughly 130 kms of shoreline, and far more if one draws a more intricate line along the shore. Our part of the project will fund two 3-person crews, expected to work 35 days. Debris collected will be trucked or barged to Vancouver and recycled and dealt with at the Ocean Legacy operation in Delta. The application will be submitted by April 15.
If you have any questions or comments, as me or Tim.
The proposed OCP bylaw is at
Printed copies will be mailed to you if you phone the Northern office 250-247-2063 (1-800-663-7867 and ask to be connected) and ask for one.
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