Senior Support Committee

This notice was meant to have been in Our Isle & Times.  Please share it with friends and neighbours who don't have computer or email access.


Senior Support Committee        

The Last Resort Society has received a small amount of money ($1,000) to support seniors on Lasqueti. Three of us, a long time ago, expressed interest in senior support, and we have been asked to see what we can set up to assist seniors in these difficult times, using the money available.

There is no guarantee that funding will continue, so we’d like to stretch it as far and long as we can, and use it to help as many people as possible. Once we’ve gauged the needs and the costs, and have spent some of the money, we can ask for and look around for more funding to address ongoing needs as much as possible. Meanwhile, and possibly continuing, we’ll need to rely on volunteers, and use the money toward expenses, etc.

For the most part, anyone who needs help can be, or will be, considered a senior as much as possible. Seniors, whatever their age, can be helpers too, and not just be helped.

We’re hoping that our committee can be a clearing house for information and services – who needs help?, who can provide it?, does money need to be available to pay costs and/or a wage?

We’re hoping to use volunteers and pay modest wages to those who want or need payment for their time and services.

Our aim is to help provide whatever support is needed and wanted – physical/material and  mental/spiritual/social.  We are aiming to fill any holes that are not being provided so that everyone can be as comfortable in their home and able to live there as long and well as possible,


We’re asking three things:

  • Interested and committed people to join our organizing committee
  • Anyone with ideas of things we could or should do, and who we should do them for, to let us know
  • Anyone willing to help to do some of the things to let us know what they are willing to do and which areas of the island they can easily work in.


One idea is to compile a list of people and their ability to look after themselves, to be helped by family, friends or neighbours , and their ability to communicate or access assistance when they need it.

 You can contact us via   pjohnston [at] lasqueti [dot] ca  or 333-8785    Carly Reisig carlyreisig [at] icloud [dot] com      Eugenie Pelletier  250-333-8793


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