OCP Review process and bylaw complaints/enforcement

Lasqueti's planner Heather Kauer sent the trustees some information that I think might be helpful in distinguishing our OCP review from issues around bylaw compliance and enforcement. Here is what she sent us:


Hello all – I believe you had anticipated that the public might ask you questions about docks and / or home enterprises at the CIMs coming up this Thursday and Friday. Here is some background information that might be of help to you:

  1.        The issues that are occurring currently on Lasqueti regarding docks and home enterprises are mostly to do with Land Use Bylaw provisions, not the OCP policies.
  2.        The OCP project that you all are working on at the moment is JUST the OCP and doesn’t include LUB amendments. The LTC could decide at a future date to add LUB updates as a Top Priority project, but the scope of the project that is the subject of the CIM doesn’t include the LUB.
  3.        In the attached document, I have listed the existing OCP policies regarding docks and home enterprises and any comments or suggestions that the LCA might have made about OCP policies regarding these topics.



Official Community Plan: Dock Policies

Current OCP Policies regarding docks

(The LCA did not recommend any changes to the existing OCP dock policies)

Pg. 21:

Boats and Maritime Vessel Policies

In order to reduce the overall number of private docks and boat ramps located along the foreshore and alleviate the ecological damage that can be caused by the proliferation of private docks and boat ramps, communal private docks and boat ramps are encouraged and may be considered on a site specific basis. The development of regulations to permit such joint co-operative facilities should ensure that the communal facilities would not have the effect of closing off access to any one bay and that environmental and social effects would be addressed.

Policy 11 In order to ensure that supplies reach Lasqueti Island, the development of barge, boat, and multi-use ramps accessible to all barge operators may be considered on a site specific basis. Because barge service is essential to the community, the Local Trust Committee should hold community discussions to explore possible locations and means to establish a public barge ramp.

Policy 12 Development of additional barge ramps accessible to all barge, boat, and multi-use operators should be subject to designation and regulation. In considering an application for a barge ramp, environmental and social effects should be addressed.

Policy 13 Hours of operations should be included in barge ramp Crown lease referrals.

Policy 14 In recognition of the importance of providing suitable boat access for all residents, public boat ramps may be considered on a site specific basis. Development of public boat ramps should be subject to designation and regulation. In considering an application for a public boat ramp, environmental and social effects should be addressed.

Policy 15 Private docks may be considered on a site specific basis in the Marine General (M-2) zone. In considering an application for a dock, environmental and social effects must be addressed. Structures should not be sited or extended towards the sea beyond 37 metres (120 feet) from the surveyed high water mark or where no plan exists, from the natural boundary of the sea.

Policy 16 In order to reduce the overall number of docks located along the foreshore, and thereby alleviate the ecological damage that can be caused by the proliferation of docks, private boat ramps may be considered on a site specific basis in the Marine General (M2) zone. In considering an application for a boat ramp environmental and social effects must be addressed and the environmental effects of both private docks and boat ramps should be considered and the alternative with the least environmental impact chosen. Structures should not be sited or extended toward the sea more than 21 metres (70 feet) from the surveyed high water mark or where no plan exists, from the natural boundary of the sea. Applicants must submit proposals for construction of docks and boat ramps to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as per the federal Fisheries Act, for review.


LCA Recommended new, additional dock policies:

  1. To ensure continued government ownership and environmentally-sound upkeep of public docks;


  1. To encourage the communal use of docks and boat ramps and to limit the number of private docks and boat ramps located along the foreshore in order to alleviate cumulative ecological damage.




Official Community Plan: Home Enterprise

Current OCP Policies regarding Home Enterprises

(The LCA did not recommend any changes to the existing OCP home enterprise policies and did not recommend any additional home enterprise policies)


Pg. 10

Policy 4 Home enterprises may be conducted on any parcel but should not cause pervasive intrusions on the peaceful enjoyment of nearby properties that exceed or differ from what would otherwise be experienced if the property was used for rural residential purposes.

Pg. 11

Objective 2 To ensure home enterprises are in harmony with the rural residential neighbourhoods.

Pg. 12

Policy 7 A range of commercial and industrial activities are permitted as home enterprise. The scale of home enterprises should be regulated to control impact.

Policy 9 The owner or operator of an existing home enterprise who proposes to expand a business beyond the scale of a home enterprise should apply for a rezoning or a Temporary Use Permit.


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