Burn Ban

Reminder to all that Category 2 and 3 fires are now prohibited. 

Category 2 open fire
- the open burning of any material (piled or unpiled) smaller than two metres high and three metres wide;
- the open burning of material concurrently in 2 piles each not exceeding 2 m in height and 3 m in width; or
- burning of stubble or grass fires over an area smaller than 0.2 hectares.

Category 3 open fire
- any fire larger than 2 metres high by 3 metres wide;
- the burning of 3 or more concurrently burning piles no larger than 2 metres high
by 3 metres wide;
- the burning of 1 or more windrows; and
- burning stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares.

Also prohibited are the activities listed below (Wildfire Act, Section 12):
• Fireworks;
• Sky Lanterns;
• Binary Exploding Targets;
• Burn Barrels or Burn Cages of any size or description; and,
• Air Curtain Burners

The prohibition does not apply to campfires that are a half-metre high by a half-metre wide or smaller, or to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes.

Anyone lighting a campfire must maintain a fireguard by removing flammable debris from around the campfire area and have a hand tool or at least eight litres of water available nearby to properly extinguish the fire.

Be safe and fire smart.

Fire Warden Ben

This news is related to...: 

Fire Safety

Fire Danger Rating



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