Burn Ban Rescinded

The Coastal Fire Center has rescinded the burn ban, effective Friday June 19 at noon. All open fires will again be permitted. This rescind means that campfires, Category 2 and 3 open fires and Resource Management Burning are permitted everywhere in the Coastal Fire Centre’s jurisdictional area. 

The public is asked to undertake open burning responsibly, and to follow guidance to ensure their burning is conducted in a safe manner. While the BC Wildfire Service has developed protocols for staff to safely respond to wildfires and reduce the risk from COVID-19, we ask for the public’s assistance to reduce the likelihood of a forest fire.  
Anyone who lights a fire must comply with B.C.’s air quality control legislation. The BC Wildfire Service urges people to take the following precautions with any permitted outdoor burning: • Ensure that enough people, water and tools are on hand to control the fire and stop it from escaping. • Do not burn in windy conditions. The weather can change quickly, and the wind may carry embers to other combustible material and start new fires. • Create a fireguard around the planned fire site by clearing away twigs, grass, leaves and other combustible material. • Never leave a fire unattended. 

Link to BC Wildfire Service information bulletin


This news is related to...: 

Fire Safety

Fire Danger Rating


ib_2020_jun_18_all_prohibition_rescind.pdf143.02 KB


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