Trust Council meeting

Trust Council had a brief electronic meeting today, the first ever. The following is quoted from the meeting agenda: “Under normal circumstances, a special electronic meeting notice must specify a physical location where the public can hear, or watch and hear, the meeting participants. However, on April 8, 2020, staff of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAH) advised the Director of Administrative Services: “that they are adopting a policy that considers Islands Trust as a Regional District for the purposes of the Emergency Ministers Order, which grants the ability to conduct business without the requirement for public meetings”. Specifically, this meeting qualified because it concerned budget matters which must, by law, be submitted to the Ministry in a short time frame. The regular meetings of Local Trust Committees and Trust Council, at this moment, are not exempted from the requirement for public access, and there remain questions as to how these meetings can proceed. Several Local Trust Committees have cancelled meeting over the last few weeks. Islands Trust staff are in communication with the Ministry to determine how the business of the Trust can proceed during this unprecedented event.

Trust Council voted in favor of the following resolution: “That Trust Council amend the 2020/21 financial plan bylaw to reduce the property tax requisition to a 0% increase from last year and that this be achieved through reducing planned expenditures.” Financial Planning Committee recommended this change from the previously approved 2%, recognizing that this decrease could almost certainly be covered by lower than expected operating costs due to travel restrictions and meeting cancellations.

Trust Council also cancelled its regular June meeting. It is contemplated that the in person meeting may be replaced by an electronic one, but, as mentioned, details are still being worked out.

The last item approved was the issuance of another Islands Trust press release, reminding potential visitors to avoid all non-essential travel, in accordance with recommendations from the Province.

The agenda is available on the Island Trust website.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. tpeterson [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca or 250-607-7094


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