Lasqueti Island Nature Conservancy - Spurge Laurel invasive plant work party

Event Date: 
Saturday, January 18, 2020 - 10:00am - 5:00pm

Come help us pull and cut this really invasive and toxic plant from around the South End Fire Hall. Please call Izzy (8754) to confirm, as we will be providing some lunch for all you wonderful workers. Also bring gloves and snippers or lopers. This is the start of a 3 year program to try to get rid of this plant which is now moving up island, and has already started a bit of a forest of it below Collin's property. See more about it here:


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Lasqueti Island Nature Conservancy


LINC works to conserve the natural ecosystems of Lasqueti Island and its surrounding islands and waters by facilitating education, stewardship and acquisition of legal interests in land. 


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