agenda items concerning Lasqueti at PRRD COW meeting today
This is from the agenda of today's (Thursday, October 8) PRRD Committee of the Whole meeting. The details are at the pages given at the end of each agenda item, of the 379 pager agenda package, available at
5.2 Correspondence dated September 7, 2015 from David Ham re Lasqueti Island p15
(I don't know why the cut and paste from their agenda package screws up the formatting. After considerable work, this is at least readable. I recommend that those who care read the relevant pages of the agenda package, and talk to each other, and our Regional Director.)
5.1 Correspondence dated September 7, 2015 from David Rogers re Lasqueti Island p13
5.2 Correspondence dated September 7, 2015 from David Ham re Lasqueti Island p15
6.15 REQUEST FOR DECISION: Lasqueti Island Fire Protection Service Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
THAT the Committee recommend the Board direct staff to proceed with prioritizing the implementation of all necessary measures to meet the
statutory and regulatory requirements (ie: fire service levels) for the Lasqueti Fire Protection Service, and in any cases where such requirements
are not mandated by statute or regulation (ie: dispatch and housing numbering service) to direct staff to strive to deliver these se rvice in
concordance with its legal obligations and to the best attainable standards.
pp121 -182
6.16 REQUEST FOR DECISION: 9-1-1 Service/House Numbering Bylaws Rescinding
THAT the Committee recommend the Board not rescind Bylaws 317.1 and 350.1.
THAT the Committee recommend the Board not rescind Bylaws 317.1 and 350.1.
pp183 -191
6.17 REQUEST FOR DECISION: Lasqueti Island Solid Waste Planning
THAT the Committee recommend the establishment of a Lasqueti Island Solid Waste Select Committee; and
THAT the Committee recommend the establishment of a Lasqueti Island Solid Waste Select Committee; and
THAT the Lasqueti Island Solid Waste Select Committee's directive is to
work with the manager of community services in order to ensure that solid
waste management, facilities and systems on Lasqueti Island meet the
present day regulations, permit requirements,
contractual obligations and
standards; and
THAT the decisions and planning in the process best meet the present and
anticipated future needs of the community
pp193 - 198
11.1 Notes from Lasqueti Island Public Engagement, August 27, 2015
pp203 - 211
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