Financial/budget information from PRRD concerning Lasqueti

Here is some information I've come across from PRRD. The most important/interesting parts I've included in a Lasqueti email posting.

Poking around on the PRRD web site ( I found a chart of services provided. Some of them are for the entire region, some of them are for individual Electoral Areas, and some of them are paid for (and presumably benefit) only part of an electoral area. Lasqueti's Fire Protection is like this, as i think it covers only Lasqueti, and not the surrounding associated islands. It's easy to see what services we do and don't pay for and receive.

Here are the taxes collected from Lasqueti, according to PRRD Manager of Financial Services Linda Greenan:

Service                                                                      Rate           Total

General Administration



Grants-in-Aid - General



Regional Parks






Regional Emergency Preparedness



Subtotal Regional Services



EA Administration



EA Feasibility Studies



Subtotal EA Shared



Grants-in-Aid  - Individual Areas



Community Recreation



Lasqueti Waste Management



Lasqueti Library - VIRL



Lasqueti Ramp



Lasqueti Island Fire Protection



Subtotal Local Services



Lasqueti Island Fire Protection Parcel Tax



Total Laqueti Island - Area E



PRRD Financial Plan for 2015 through 2019 is available on-line. It's 89 pages of detailed information about planned spending for each area for each year.

  Going through the 2015 financial plan (schedule A - budget) starting on page 5, I find these Lasqueti items:

Note that page numbers refer to the pdf document. Page numbers printed on each page

Lasq. Library: revenue & expenditure  $27,764
Lasqueti Fire Prot: $71,975 property tax, $30,000 parcel tax; revenue & expenses $116,551
Lasqueti Marine: $11,250 property tax, $672 interest, $6,784 prior year surplus; revenue & expenses $18,706

Electoral Area Services
p20 Lasqueti Fire Dept - Truckport addition #2 hall   $6,000

p21 Community Works Fund Revenue & Expenditures
        Waste Management Lasqueti - Waste Management Plan  2015  $3.667
                                                             - Lasqueti Recycling Depot Upgrades  2014 $2,388   2015  $200,000
        Community Recreation - Lasqueti Recreation Development  2013 $775  2014 $34,455

p22  Community Works Fund Expenditures to December 31, 2014
        Waste Management Lasqueti - Waste Management Plan $19,770
                                                             - Lasqueti Recycling Depot Upgrades  $2,388
         Community Recreation - Lasqueti Recreation Development  $35,230

p23 2015 Electoral Area Grants by Area;  Area E: 
Coastal Invasive Species Committee  $625
PR Festival of Performing Arts              150
Lasqueti Community Association     1,500
Lasqueti Fish/Forest Renew Cttee       500
Lasqueti Last Resort Society              1,000
False Bay School - PAC                        1,000
Wednesday Night Socials                   1,000
Lasqueti Island Food Bank                     500
Uncommitted                                           500
Total                                                        6,775
2014 surplus fwd                                     876
2015 Requisition                                  5,899

p 24 2015 General Grants-in-Aid   
Hospital Auxillary                                        900
Third Crossing Society                             1,000 
PR Historical Museum & Archives       38,423
Wildsafe BC                                               2,500
Total                                                          42,823
2014 surplus fwd                                               
2015 Requisition                                    42,823

p25 Reserve Funds Summary
Lasqsueti VFD 2015 opening 75,616 interest 1,285, expend -6,000 Dec 31 70,901 2016 99,840 2017 17,734 2018 38,035  2019 58,682
Non-Statutory Reserve Funds Summary
Waste Mgmt Lasqueti Island 2015 opening 153,268 contrib 5,394 interest 2,606 expend 12,041 Dec 31149,227
2016 157,501  2017 164,984  2018 180,286  2019 195,482

p27 2015 Studies
Waste Management - Lasqueti Is. SWMP Review Completion     3,367
EA Feasibility Studies - RD Studies - Squitty Back Dock Service $15,000
                                       - Other Agencies - Pete's Lake Improvement District - Planning Grant   10,000

p28 Annual Debt/Lease Payments - Lasqueti VFD Fire Departmant (proposed) 2017 11,909  2018 & 2019 20,713

p30 Annual Debt/Lease Payments - Electoral Areas - Lasqueti Island VFD - Fire Truck (2003) 2015 15,664  2016 13,053

p32 Annual (Tax) Requisition Comparison by Service and Year
Community Recreation Area E  2012 8,484  2013 8,731  2014 8,985  2015 9,248  2016 9,518  2017 9,796  2018 10,083  2019 10,378
Lasqueti Waste Management 2012 67,270  '13 73,737  '14 94,448  '15 88,763  '16 105,773  '17 105,156  '18 106,350
Lasqueti Isl Library (VIRL)  2012 23,728  '13 25,288  '14 26,184  '15 27,764  '16 28,840  '17 29,950  '18 31,125  '19 32,330
Lasqueti VFD 2012 54,989  '13 60,747  '14 65,665  '15 101,975  '16 92,199  '17 86,333  '18 87,577  '19 88,858
Lasqueti Marine Ramp  2012 through 2019 11,250

p39 Total Tax Requisition and Residential Tax Rates by Service & Area - Electoral Area E - Lasqueti Island
This page has total tax requisition from Lasqueti for 2012 through 2019 and also residential tax estimates per $100,000 value for the same years

p40 gives summaries of residential tax estimates per $100,000 value for each electoral area

p41 gives estimated 2015 residential taxes based on 2015 revised assessment roll and assuming assessment increases of 0% - 30%



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