APC meeting Tuesday, August 11, 7pm at Community Hall

The Advisory Planning Commission will be meeting Tuesday, August 11, 7pm at the Community Hall to discuss the Lasqueti Trust Committee's request that we prioritize watersheds to be re-assessed,  designated on the draft Bylaw No. 90, Schedule A as :watersheds with potential seasonal habitat for anadromous fish below barriers" as well as Hadley Lake watershed, and that the APC identify any watersheds that they deem to be not in need of re-assessment.

The streams are:
1. Billdown Swamp Drainage
2. Deane Creek (Tucker Bay)
3. Hadley Lake
4. Mine Bay
5. Monahan Creek (Anderson Bay)
6. Trematon Creek
7. Tucker Brook (Long Bay)
8. Unnamed Stream (Johnson's Lagoon) (not yet assessed)
9. Unnamed Stream (Osland Nature Reserve)
10. Unnamed Stream (Powder Flask, Driftwood Cove)
11. Unnamed Stream (Windy Bay)

Further information about the Riparian Areas Regulation implementation, the draft bylaw and the Madrone Reports on streams are available at:


The public is invited to attend the meeting.

APC members are Andrew Fall (chair), Doane Grinnell, Lisa Johnson, Nadine Simpson (vice-chair), Sue Kristinsson, Tom Weinerth, Peter Johnston (secretary) and John O'Halloran.


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