Access to Marshall's Beach mid-day July 16

The Islands Trust Fund is bringing over the Qualicum First Nation chief, Michael Recalma, to visit Lasqueti on Thursday, July 16. He would like to see the fish trap and works that are located in the corner of the bay near Marshall's Beach, near the end of Jelina (Velina) Island. Access across the private land above it has been denied, so we need to get there by boat. If there is someone with a boat that can carry four or five adults to the site, probably from the beach below Doug & Chris' place near mid-day on the 16th, please let me know. This would be an opportunity for you to see the site, and to hear our local and SFU archaelogist show him the site.  The tide is low at 12:20 that day, so it might be from shortly after 11 til some time before 2.   Peter   8785


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