Lasqueti APC meeting Monday, July 6, 11:30am

The Lasqueti Advisory Planning Commission will be meeting at 11:30 on Monday, July 6 at the Arts Centre to consider a referral from the Lasqueti Local Trust Committee concerning some aspects of the Riparian Area Regulations, asking for a recommendation on these specific issues:

stream mapping (see p3 of report, subsections a & b)

re-assessing watersheds (see p6 of report, subsection e)

changes to Draft Bylaw No. 90 to Schedule 1 (the text), see p7 of report, subsection g:

  remove "immediate from subsection 2(iv)

  replacement wording regarding micro-hydro, subsection (xviii) of Bylaw No. 90

Remove "continuous" from definition of landscaped area (see p5 of Draft Bylaw No. 90, section B)


The APC will also be electing a chair, vice-chair and secretary at this meeting.

APC members are Nadine Simpson, Andrew Fall, Peter Johnston, Doane Grinnell, Sue Kristinsson, Lisa Johnson, Tom Weinerth, and John O'Halloran.

Our planner, Marnie Eggen, will also be attending the meeting, and can be contacted at  meggen [at] islandstrust [dot] bc [dot] ca  or by calling 250-247-2210 (you can call toll-free 800-663-7867 and ask to be connected.)


The Staff Report can be found on pages 20 through 38 of the June 15 agenda package, here:


The July 30 Lasqueti Trust Committee meeting will be held at the church, rather than the Arts Centre, starting at 11am. Agenda package will be posted about a week before the meeting.


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