By request - Up, Down, all around....again

I have had many people comment how useful they found my post regarding amendments so by the request of many I am including it again.

Thanks so much for your feed back friends.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. Up, Down, All Around.
Nitrogen: for vegetative growth like lettuce or grass (Up). Alfalfa, Blood meal, Canola meal, Corn Gluten
Phosphorus: for root development like root crops and tubers (Down), also good for flowing of plants. Bone meal, Rock Phosphate
Potassium: everything (All Around). Kelp meal, Liquid Kelp, Green sand

Trace minerals that help plant growth and function:

Magnesium - Dolomite lime, Glacial Rock Dust, Green sand

Iron and Calcium - Glacial Rock Dust

Bone Meal 4-21-0

Is rich in Phosphorus, a mineral that plants need for healthy root development and flower growth. It also contains calcium and a little bit of nitrogen, both of which are beneficial to plants. Bone meal is taken up slowly over time, so there is little risk of burning plants with too much of this fertilizer.

Blood Meal 15-1-1

Adds huge amounts of nitrogen to the soil. This will make plants more lush and green and is great for use in repeated plantings. This is a very concentrated form of nitrogen and can easily burn or harm your plants when over-applied.

Kelp Meal 2-1-3

Adds Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus to soil. Also has a large amount of trace minerals and alginic acid which improves soil structure. Can burn if over-applied.

Alfalfa Meal-3-1-2

Adds amounts of all the NPK’s. Helps microorganisms by helping them convert soil nutrients into soluble forms more available for plants. Boosts growth rate of seedlings. Excellent mulch for roses and other perennials. Low risk of burning vegetation.

Green Sand 0-0-5

High in trace minerals and potassium. Good for plant strength and leaves. Really good for root crops such as beets and carrots. Low risk of plant burning.

Rock Phosphate 0-3-0

High in Phosphorus. Good for root growth and flower production. Also provides trace minerals. Low risk of burning.

Glacial Rock Dust 0-0-4

High in trace minerals and potassium. Good for plant strength and leaves. Really good for root crops such as beets and carrots. Low burn risk.

Corn Gluten 9-1-0

This is a nitrogen based fertilizer and a natural weed suppressant (inhibits seed germination naturally). Does not effect starters or established plants. Low burn risk.



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