Mule Skinner Basket Workshop
By now most of you know what a Mule Skinner basket looks like because so many of us are using one. It's an extremely strong and very useful. I really like the fact that you can carry them over your shoulder. We'll be working with red cedar or wild cherry, split cedar roots and bull kelp and willow bark. Please bring a strong, long, leather belt (not braided). I find them at any second hand store and they're usually about $4 to $6 dollars. Also bring strong scissors, garden clips, a tape measure, a needle nose pliers, an oyster knife, a needle with a large eye, a soaker bucket, a large plastic bag, and something to share for a pot luck lunch (no watermelon). I think this basket will take two days, but some may finish sooner. Class size is limited, so please phone ahead to reserve a space.
$100.00 All materials (except belt) included. Thanks Dazy 250-333-8566
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