NOT about Tucker Bay
As some of you know a few of us have been monitoring radiation levels here since the Fukushima disaster of March 2011. To put it in some sense of perspective, Chernoble was a partial meltdown of one relatively new reactor, and was dealt with promptly, vapourizing 58.8tonnes of radioactive material. The original Fukushima disaster vapourized 2880.6 tonnes of old reactors, one running mixed oxide fuel (MOX) a recycled unstable fuel. It has been daily dumping hundreds of tonnes of highly radioactive water into the Pacific since then. It takes 3 years for the current to bring this mess to our shores. The common government reason for withholding this information is they don't want the populace to panic. It is the government, corporations and bureaucrats who are panicking, the populace will get angry when they find out what has been done to them and all their children and grandkids ad infinitum...
I have built a 700 lb lead shield for my gamma spectography probe so I can tell prexakly what it is that's making the geiger counter sing. It stops nearly all external influence on whatever sample I put in it. To establish a baseline of the radiation in our area I'm looking for any old jars of salmon or tuna rusting in a dark corner of your pantry. I have one donated tuna home canned catfood jar from 2004. Anything from before 2011 is great. Salmon and tuna are bioaccumulators and will carry the signatures, if there, of anything radioactive in the water.I'm still tuning up this unit.
Here's a link to the retiring editor's closing thoughts for 2014--If you do watch the vids-watch Allan Watts first-makes the others easier.
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