Jessie's Path and Nursery
Jessie's Path and Nursery
Open Thursdays and Fridays 9am - 4pm
Saturdays 12pm- 4pm
Thanks Rain! Wow, did we need that. Bet your boots there will be Chanterelles out if we get another day or two. Check your patch.
With the rains comes some chores to be done. Here is how I can help.
Benardin 250ml 125ml jars and lids
Vacuum bags Food Saver
More Bloom Alaska Fertilizer
Gaia Green Organic Power Bloom
Fall Rye and Legume mix
Pruners and scissors
Rakes, shovels and pitch forks
Chain saw oil, 2 stroke, 10/30
Spikes, screws, nails and glue
Paint brushes, rollers, cages and pans
All your LORDCO Auto parts by phone order 5 days/week Monday to Friday 333-8818
You'll be surprised what you find here. If I don't have it, just ask.
I look forward to seeing you here.
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