Burning Restrictions in effect June 3 @ noon
Coastal Fire Centre
Information Bulletin
Backyard burning restrictions effective June 3 @ noon (category 2)
Specific activities affected by this prohibition include:
• The burning of any material, piled or unpiled, smaller than two meters in height and
three meters in width, including burning barrels.
• The burning of stubble or grass over an area less than 2,000 square meters (0.2 hectares).
• The use of burning barrels of any size or description.
This prohibition does not ban campfires that are a half-meter high by a half-meter wide or
smaller and does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes.
Anyone lighting a campfire must maintain a fireguard by removing flammable debris from
around the campfire area and have a hand tool or at least eight liters of water nearby to
properly extinguish the fire.
For information about open burning and tips on making responsible burning decisions, please
read the guides to open burning at: http://bcwildfire.ca/hprScripts/WildfireNews/Bans.asp
Full notice from Costal Fire Centre is available here: http://lasqueti.ca/files/2014_category_2_open_fire.pdf
Ross Thompson
Fire Warden
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