Arts Fest 2014
Arts Festival 2014 - July 4,5
Tian and Sirett have volunteered to do the arts fest this year!
Shout it from the roof tops! Send the messenger pigeons to the far corners of the world (squitty bay, spring bay)! Help them, to help us, celebrate the strange and wonderful people on our little ship of an island floating in this blustery sea.
They will be looking for volunteers to perform the duties required to magically pull off another great festival, so please support them in their brave endeavor in whatever way you can.
There will again be a games concept, for the challenge and amusement of all, if you have any ideas please contact them. The high striker (strong man hammer thing) will be there to test your ability to be a -non-age-or-gender-specific- Manly Man.
Start thinking about what artsy things you would like to express. There is so much opportunity to be creative in this embarrassingly supportive community. Writing, painting, music, anything goes.
Contact Sirett and Tian - 333-8770
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