Ferry Update - Saturday, March 29.
The three elected Lasqueti representatives were asked to meet with the ferry crew this evening, and we (Merrick, Susan and I) did so at 7pm on the ferry. Al and Harry updated us on the situation as they experience it, and we discussed the various issues.
The regular ferry, Centurion VII, is out of the water and undergoing a major refit, after about 25 years of nearly continuous service. I believe that the vessel is also undergoing a Transport Canada inspection at the same time. They need to deal with the issues that they need to deal with, and nobody can know or predict with certainty how long this will take. Centurion VII will return to service on our run as soon as possible. The hope is that this will be before the Easter weekend, but that might not happen. Everyone is doing their best. Sometimes things go wrong, or at least don't go right.
The crew appreciates that Lasqueti people are cooperating and adapting well. They are doing their best, and the company is doing extra runs at the end of the day to make sure that nobody is left on the wrong side overnight because the ferry was full. They are doing over-runs, without compensation other than the passenger fare, for one or two or whatever small number of people need it. The crew is, of course, paid for their time working, but they'd probably rather be home for the evening than making the extra run.
Here's how you can help:
Bring a maximum of three totes per person. Put your name on your tote - they all look remarkably similar without a name on them! If you need to take a dolly on the ferry, make sure it's a folding one. The crew will organize stacking the totes and other baggage, and stowing the folding dollies. Please assist them in getting it all onto and off the ferry in the order and manner than they want. They can maximize the amount carried and minimize the space taken up by baggage and groceries. This might involve a chain of people passing things off or onto the ferry.
There is virtually no covered space for baggage or groceries or anything else. That's why totes are recommended. (They also stack well!) Waterproof your baggage, or it will be exposed to rain, spray and goodness knows what else. Plastic bags work reasonably well. Heavy-duty ones can be usedmore than once and don't tear as easily.
There is no covered space for animals, and they are not allowed in the cabin. If possible, leave your animals at home. It you need to bring them, do whatever you can to weather- and water-proof them. Do the same for yourself, if you don't want to ride in the cabin.
You will help yourself and your fellow travelers if you consolidate your trips, and do all your errands on one trip over and back, rather than going back and forth several times. If you don't need to use the ferry, with its reduced passenger capacity, you reduce the tension and anxiety about getting a space on board. You might also reduce the need for the ferry to make extra trips, and the impact of all that fuel and time and energy making them. If you need to be on a particular ferry, get there early. Goodness only knows how early. It depends.
In the first world - that's where we are! - people are surprised and disappointed and angered when things don't work as they expect. In the rest of the world people are surprised when they do work the way they are supposed to work. This refit of Centurion VII is needed, and it's a bit inconvenient for all of us, and a lot inconvenient for some of us. But if it was a BC Ferries vessel, we'd be told that we're going to have to pay more, and get less service, permanently, and we'd have to just wait for the next scheduled ferry when it's out of service or the ferry is full. Western Pacific Marine, and the crew, are doing their best during this time.
Finally, the crew will work to keep the ferry house phone message up to date with the latest information about the ferry. It's number is 250-333-8787. If you need information, try calling the cell phone on the ferry, 250-927-0431.
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