Jessie's Path and Nursery
Open Thursdays and Fridays 9am - 4pm
With a Spring like this you can't rely on dates in the calendar to tell you when to plant. Do what ancient gardeners did and look to nature.
Watch the Maples for buds to break to indicate its time to work the soil.
Now that the forsythia is in bloom, it is safe to prune your roses.
Read your weeds - Dandelions indicate low levels of calcium, and very high levels of chlorine and potassium. White Clover indicates very high levels in chlorine, magnesium, and sodium. Yarrow indicates low potassium. Side dress your plants accordingly.
Your daffodils are blooming? Its time to feed your asparagus a heap of fish compost or chicken manure.
Don't panic! There is lots of time and we have the supplies.
Fresh starts arriving Wednesday and all amendments/maures on hand.
I look forward to seeing you here
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