Jessie's Path and Nursery

Last year the island was inundated with tent caterpillars and many of you asked me what and when is the best control.  Well the time is NOW! 

Tent caterpillars over winter in the egg stage on the branches of their host trees.  Hundreds of eggs are laid in 1"clusters - their appearance like a grey scab.  This is when the pest is most susceptible and you have the best opportunity to reduce the population. This can be done as you are out pruning your trees.  Inspect all of your branches to look for the egg clusters or "grey scabs" and simply peel the eggs from the branch.  Put the eggs into a container to be burnt in the fire.  DO NOT drop them on the ground.  

I know this sounds like tedious work but it is simple and much easier than trying to cut out the tents in the branches after the eggs have hatched and the caterpillars are devouring your trees.

For every cluster you remove is one less giant tent to deal with later in the season. 

If you have any questions or would like to see a video on the removal, than drop me an email. I am always happy to help.  Cheers Jessie


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